Sunday, June 26, 2011


Cindy holding sofia now. Looks like I am loosing this game. I think we are plying with marked cards. The cards belongs to Cindy and Andy

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Visiting Chicago

Andy holding Sofia in the moby while we play rommy

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Spring Updates

As Grandparents, it seems our life and activities revolve around the grandchildren. 

And yes we are grandparents again.
Cindy and Andy had their little Sofia born on May 22 in Chicago. In fact Joan is back in Chicago now seeing her new grand daughter for the first time. I will also go back there at the end of this month, too. Isn't she cute in her first dress.

It has been easier to enjoy our other two grandsons, Collin and Evan, since they live near by. We went to the Santa Barbara Zoo to celebrate Evans 1 year birthday in March.  We rode the train around the park, too.

Then back home to enjoy Evan's first birthday cake. I think Winston wants some too.

Then it was Collin's Birthday a month latter. Collin is now 3 years old. Watch out Collin, I think Evan wants your cake, too.  He always wants what you have.  But you are a good big brother to him.

We celebrated Easter at Melanie's and Will's house.
At the end of April, we all hiked up the back side of Mount Boney, the mountains near us, to Sandstone Peak. That is at 3,111 feet. which is the tallest peak in the Santa Monica Mountains National Park.
From the top you can see all over Southern California. The picture bellow is looking down on the small valley we live in and the Topa Topa mountains in the far distance.

And finally just last weekend, we had the joy of having Collin over to spend the night at Mormor's and Grandpa's house, his first night away from home.
We had a big surprise for him, too. We took him to the local Performing Arts Center to see a production with Elmo and the Sesame Street gang.

 His first time in an actual theater and he sat and enjoyed the whole event.

Then of course we went out for Pizza and desert afterwards, too. 
Who doesn't like that cherry on top.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Finally an Update with Christmas 2010

I must get better at updating my blog. 6 months, really.
Most have read our Christmas letter and seen lots of our photos from last year.
So now what has happened this last month.

Lots more photos and of course Christmas.
December is always so busy with Christmas lights and decorations.

Joan's parents came from
Denmark early in December and spent a lot of time with their great grandchildren, Collin and Evan.

We celebrated Melanie's Birthday at their new home in Anaheim.

We had some really nice weather and spent some time outside enjoying it. Collin is riding one of the girls hot wheels from when they were our little girls.

Collin and Evan love to take their baths together. We had to hurry for Christmas night.

Collin always grabs the camera and takes pictures himself, He actually took this picture of Joan and I.

Are we ready yet. This is my present.. I know it.

Grandpa, can you help me.

Evan loves Uncle Bill.

Looks like more grand kids on the way.

We were a total of 19 at one time to really celebrate Christmas.

Can't get any more fun than that.