Saturday, May 2, 2009

Family Trip to Chicago

When family is spread out all over the country, it is wonderful when we can all get together for a weekend. We have been lucky this year so far and we were able to all get together again.

This time we traveled together to Chicago to visit Cindy and Andy. That is all except Brian and Will. We missed having them along this time.

We had Collin with us and of course he had to push his own suitcase. Collin had the best seat in the plan... Mommies lap of course. Then we invaded Cindy and Andy's Condo and all stayed there together and slept on sofas and an air mattress. All in the fun.

We brought the first warm weather of the year to Chicago for a day at the Zoo. And of course it rained after that and chilled down again. We took Collin to a children's museum where he was able to run around and touch and play with everything. Great place for kids.

Cindy and Andy cooked all the meals for us except for Sunday breakfast. We had barbecues on their deck and fine meals, too, together with Andy's parents, Mike and Pat.

Parker, their dog, was wonderful with Collin and he put up with all of us quite fine. Walks always make him happy.

You can see all the photos from our trip by clicking on our Picasa Photo Album link on the


Lacey said...

Wow looks like you guys had fun! Lucky Collin to be a lil traveler at such a young age! Miss you all!

Elisa and Brian said...

Great pictures Dad! I still need to put mine up from the trip too!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Looks like a great trip!

Unknown said...

wow! I really enjoyed those pics!
I'm glad you all had such a great time!