Friday, November 13, 2009

Things We did this Fall

Joan has a helper in the kitchen with the dishes. I think he has more fun with the water than washing the dishes. Bedstemor and Bedstefar were here in August.

Collin has fun talking to Bedstefar.
I am this big you know.

Joan's Cousin Helle and her family were here for a visit. We went for a walk in the National Park near by. Can you see our home from here.

Rain is such a surprise to us in California and when it comes, we go out and enjoy it.
Jumping in puddles and getting wet. Can't get any better.

Collin learns the fine art of baking... at least what us men can do best.

At our favorite Pumpkin Patch. We have been going to this same pumpkin patch for more than 20 years. Started there when Dan was Collin' s age.

We had our first Halloween away from our home at Brian and Elisa's this year. Collin was a little chicken.
At 18 months, Collin quickly learned how to take his basket up to a door, knock on the door, and hold out the basket for candy.
And then run to the next door with Mormor and Grandpa.

Then Collin helped celebrate Elisa's birthday.

Yummy yummy cake.

You can see all our pictures this fall by clicking on the link on the right to our Picasa or Costco Photo Album web sites

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow! I love this update. I was a chicken for halloween too!! Too bad we didn't get a picture together!