Friday, January 2, 2009

The Holidays

This was our first Christmas with Collin.

He made it special for the whole family.

Even Great Uncle Bill had fun with Collin.

Special, too was that we were all there at the same time. Hard to do with travel and in-laws.

So this was something special and happy for us all.

Our final picture of us all on the Beach at Brian and Elisa's the day after Christmas.

We wish you all a Happy New Year.

Make sure to click on the links on the right to visit our 2 photo album web sites at Cosco and Picasa to see our other photo albums including Brians Birthday Party. You can download or send out for prints from the web sites.


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

What a great family Christmas! Babies make holidays that much more fun, don't they! We definitely thought so this Christmas! We are heading down south at the end of February and cant wait for you to meet Gavin! Love you guys!

Mama Michelle said...

Your Christmas looks like it was wonderful! Babies do make the holidays much more special for everyone!
Wonderful pictures!!

Unknown said...

i was just thinking about the wonderful Christmas we had this year. The times we get to share with you all are always so special.