Saturday, February 21, 2009

Winter Update

So . . . what have we been doing?

Joan traveled back to Denmark in January to visit her parents, Mona and Peter. It was off and on snow and rain. But cold. She was there for nearly 3 weeks.

As for me, I had an emergency operation while Joan was away that put me in the hospital for a few days. Not life threatening, though. Something called diverticulitis and ruptured colon. All the kids were there to help me and I got to stay at Elisa and Brian's until Joan returned home. Had fun with Collin all those days. I am slowly recovering, although back to work full time. I will have a second surgery at the end of March to put me back together again.

This video is of Collin having fun with the balloons I got while in the hospital.
I want to thank everyone for their love and support.

Joan's Cousin Helle and Matilda and her friend Nikoli flew over from Denmark for a weeks visit, too.

So not much else going on. Just the winter blues.

Lots of fun to see all the other blog sites.

Don't forget to visit our photo websites using the links on the right to see all our latest home photos.


Elisa and Brian said...

I like the pictures dad! Nice of you to update your blog. The video slideshows are great. Love you! Love, Elisa

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

I didnt know you were in the hospital! Glad that you are home and recovering! I am coming down south with Gavin feb 24-mar4 and will have to stop by to see you guys! Love ya!

Lacey said...

Wow Dave take care of yourself! hope to see you soon! Love you!

Unknown said...

Dad, we're so glad that you're recovering nicely.